Seelkadoom is the strongest character in Sonic RPG. This character has the power to absorb energy, health and chaos. Seelkadoom also has telekineses. Seelkadoom was created by Dr. Eggman. Seelkadoom is not copyright. He is not a sega or sonic team character.
seelkadoom is an evil in sonic rpg
he knocked him out
I dont think that there is one yet, because seelkadoom is a character in the not very well known unfinished computer game sonic RPG (no offense meant to anyone).
The Cheats only I know is when the episode 8. Download Cheat Engine and Hack the number of the life. After the battle cutscene, there is a extra boss for you. The boss like Seelkadoom and his head like Metal Sonic. The power is unlimited but if you finish it, the game will automically repeat to episode 1 but complete game.
No. Well it is not proven that Sonic did have any other siblings besides Sonia and Manic who were later on discarded by the Sonic team along with Sally Alicia Acorn, Antoine,and that walrus guy plus a number of robots including the chicken guy and his friend who were later on edited on to Deco and Boco (Sonic X) who were edited on to this crazy light bulb guy(Sonic Unleashed).
seelkadoom is an evil in sonic rpg
Seelkadoom is probably Stronger because He As A huge Blast
he does
Seelkadoom isn't an official Sonic character,so mabye not. is a site i created for all Seelkadoom fans. To become a member, go on the "who we are" page.
he knocked him out
using to much of his energy.It was shown lots of times
I dont think that there is one yet, because seelkadoom is a character in the not very well known unfinished computer game sonic RPG (no offense meant to anyone).
Midnightmaren and Acid_Shiver are Members of a NOT trademarked group called Bloody Media. They did not show their actual names for a reason I don't know. They created Bloody Media's Sonic RPG. They were also the creators of Seelkadoom.
silver the hedge hog is from the future where sonic and shadow did not defaet seelkadoom