It's really hard: first you have to meet Rockhopper (that's the hard part) then you have to open his player card, then you click the picture of a box.
You can not make rockhopper come on his ship only if he wants to.
The migrator always stays with Rockhopper, whether he is on Rockhopper island or on the club penguin island. Currently (April 2013), the migrator is with Rockhopper on Rockhopper island, but when he'll come to club penguin, he'll be sailing on his migrator.
Rockhopper was last on club penguin at the Holiday Party 2012.
Rockhopper's username is Rockhopper and his password is unknown, famous users like him usually change their passwords every week, so its hard to hack into Rockhoppers account but you can be Rockhopper on Penguin Storm which you have to download, but know one else see you be Rockhopper and if you do get into his account you might get banned or have Rockhopper change his password
It seems inpossible...
No one really knows what server Rockhopper is on, because he is forever changing between them. I normally see him Adbominble.
Rockhopper can be in a lot of different places one of the best places to find him is the ships hold.
they dont moders hack in him so no one really knows
i dont really know but he leaves difrent times
Nothing really... you can just see how close he is to visiting.
That is the correct spelling of "rockhopper." The term can apply to a brand name of mountain bike, the Rockhopper. It is also capitalized when it refers to a species of rockhopper penguins (Northern Rockhopper, Eastern Rockhopper, Western Rockhopper).
It's really hard: first you have to meet Rockhopper (that's the hard part) then you have to open his player card, then you click the picture of a box.
Actually, Rockhopper doesn't really come from Rockhopper island. Its just an imaginative story created by club penguin. Club penguin always plans how far Rockhopper's ship is, what he will face and in the end, when he will reach, and makes stories out of them. Sorry if this answer became a spoiler for you.
Dp127 Got to Rockhopper Island and she told me how to get there! The day Rockhopper leaves stay on his ship until 9:00pm. when your in there click on Rockhopper's rare items and there should be a really small letter that says travel to Rockhopper Island. That's what I heard from Dp127. She is mostly on: status: Online Server: Blizzard/Below Zero Where: All over Club penguin
Western Rockhopper Penguin:Kingdom:AnimaliaPhylum:ChordataClass:AvesOrder:SphenisciformesFamily:SpheniscidaeGenus:EudyptesSpecies:E. chrysocomeEastern Rockhopper Penguin:Kingdom:AnimaliaPhylum:ChordataClass:AvesOrder:SphenisciformesFamily:SpheniscidaeGenus:EudyptesSpecies:E. filholiNorthern Rockhopper Penguin:Kingdom:AnimaliaPhylum:ChordataClass:AvesOrder:SphenisciformesFamily:SpheniscidaeGenus:EudyptesSpecies:E. moseleyi
well no one really knows! hes not always on!