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Q: Who invented the Sony PlayStation 3?
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Where was the Sony PlayStation 3 invented?

The PlayStation 3 was invented by Sony in Japan.

Who invented the playstation 3 game station?

Answer Sony

Who invented Sony PlayStation 3?

Ken Kutaragi

Why was the Sony PlayStation 3 invented?

Because it was a new addition of Playstation 2.

Which country invented the Playstation 3?

Sony developed it and they are a company with headquarters in Japan

Who invented the PlayStation 3?

Sony Entertainment invented PlayStation 3. This is the successor to the PlayStation name starting with Sony PlayStation (also known as Psone, PS1, and PSX) Followed by the PlayStation 2 (also known as PS2 and PSX2.) Followed by the PS2 Slim. then the PSP-1000,2000,3000 and most recently the PSP-Go.

Why was PlayStation 2 invented?

Why PlayStation 2 was InventedThe Sony PlayStation 2 was Invented because Sony wants to keep making money and to please the fans of the PlayStation 1. The PS1 was getting out-dated so they made it to keep the ball rolling. The PlayStation 3 is coming as well for the same reasons.

What was the year that Sony invented the Playstation?


Who invented the Playstation 1?

Sony biitch

Who invented the Playstation game console?

Sony did.

When invented the Playstation portable 3000?


Why did they make Sony video game consoles?

Sony's first video game console, the PlayStation, was invented on December 3, 1994.