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There have been many X-Ray mods since the debut of minecraft. Finding the original creator might not be possible since many people knew how to code x-ray.

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Q: Who invented X-ray for Minecraft?
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Who invented xray?

william conrad roentgen

When was xray invented?

X-rays were not invented they were discovered by Wilhelm Roentgen

Is there cheats on Minecraft?

It has no cheats sorry to say but there is mods like Xray TMI (toomanyitums) and other stuff

Is there a download for any mac Minecraft 1.6.2 jar with xray already on it?

No people are not allowed to attach Minecraft to their mod pack due to Minecraft's copyright and production policies you have to get the pack separate from the game itself.

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Where can you get Minecraft Xray Mod?

A mod that lets you fly, look through walls and highlights ores is Zombes ModPack which is very useful to me.

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When was the X-ray invented?

Xray was invented on November 8th, 1895 by Professor Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen.

What is the xray mod for minecraft?

It allows the user to press a key on their keyboard and everything turns invisible except ores and man made materials (including dungeons)

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