when you are on the home page click membership, there right of the words ,,Get your membership'' is a button that says ,,Card activation'' click on it. Then you chose membership card, enter your penguins name and password and enter the code. That's it.
You can buy club penguin membership codes from the shop but unless you win one in a competition there is no such thing as a free club penguin membership code.
yes there is some unused lpso codes. hrer they are j7fx3l0yx it worksHere is another VIPGIRL It works for new players only =]PURPLEPINKBLUEIt is for clothes not membership.
Tcj3 4fir wqo4 ronq qoen
There is no club penguin membership code.
no, not unless you buy a club penguin toy at Big W
Yes they can be some unused membership codes.
No.All Membership codes are all used from around the world
yes but when i tell u someone else will take one
there is a website called artics antics i think and you could win a free year membership.
Prizerebel has Club Penguin membership codes that are free.
You really do want a club penguin 12 month membership right? So do the ones who actually buy the club penguin membership codes. I am pretty sure they like club penguin membership for themselves and will want to use the code themselves. So its useless to ask if somebody can you a membership code as no one will do so. All the codes they will give out will either be used or fake. Its true, would YOU want to give it out toanybodyelse if you got a membership code?
no,I tried a lot of codes that are unused,if you want a toy code,get a club penguin toy
there never was a club penguin memebership genrator they are all fake whoever told that is trying to hack you and you will never get membership unless you buy memebership codes or purchease membership online
in the shop