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1st is Sidney, dark type poke'mon, mightyena lv. 46, cacturne lv. 46, sharpedo lv. 48, absol lv. 49, and shiftry lv. 48. 2nd is Phoebe, ghost type poke'mon, dusclops lv. 48, banette lv. 49, sableye lv. 50, banette lv. 49 again, and dusclops lv. 51. 3rd is Glacia, ice type poke'mon, glalie lv. 50, sealeo lv. 50, sealeo lv. 52, glalie lv. 52, walrein lv. 53. 4th is Drake, dragon type poke'mon, shelgon lv. 52, altaria lv. 54, flygon lv. 53, flygon lv. 53 again, and salamence lv. 55. The Champion is Steven, steel type poke'mon, skarmory lv. 57, aggron lv. 56, cradily lv. 56, claydol lv. 55, metagross lv. 58, and armaldo lv. 56. I would have my poke'mon on lv. 75 or higher, I had my Zinx(Swampert) on lv. 96 when I won.

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