Happy77 Rockhopper BillyBob Screenhog Rsnail Gizmo jjj king tech789 jjwhat Snow Dolphin CPmoderator
Jay80 Chad surfer2280 dj2598 Low breaker Zuri85 Nikko10010 Recadaz Sartho Tall Orb Zacks Dumb M Tabby 'Pointer' SBL Mod1maxwell Slanger Jade Dragon ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- these Club Penguin mods above dont often ban, but 'Pointer' bans a lot, and so does SBL and Sartho.
Check if people are using bad language, using cheat programs, being mean or anything else against the rules of Club Penguin. Moderators also sometimes contribute to ideas Club Penguin have of making the game better.
It is because they are Moderators
No, only some moderators have that privilege.
If you were banned on Club Penguin for no reason, then it means that somebody lied to the moderators when they reported you and also because the ostriches can fly they have no more room for the bodies in the trunk.
He is one of the moderators on club penguin so yes, he is a real person but not always the same person Rock Hopper is real! I met him! I got his special player backround card!
Club penguin has enough moderators so there is no job to click on because club penguin gave the last opening for moderators to a penguin named ping ice2 so sorry but maybe later in the year they will need more moderators
Check if people are using bad language, using cheat programs, being mean or anything else against the rules of Club Penguin. Moderators also sometimes contribute to ideas Club Penguin have of making the game better.
Only moderators/admins.
Moderators Galore
There Are A Lot Of mods But The Main Mods Are Billybob, And Screenhog.
It is because they are Moderators
I think only moderators can, sorry.
That is very unappropriate in Club Penguin. You cannot get a knife and if you want to kill a penguin or puffle, even yourself, Club Penguin is not the place for you. That is a very unappropriate thing to do in Club Penguin. If that ever happens, I will report you to the moderators and get banned forever!
The Moderators is: Billybob Rsnail Maxlowe Happy77 Screenhog Gizmo
No, only some moderators have that privilege.
The heart emotion is not gone.
You cant go on test servers because those are for moderators.