amanda beyer level 21 paul buonpane level 209 and cuong truong level 96 (he is the eaiest level wise im evel 56 andstill won) there were more but they de activated.
How I Can Get Amethyst Mason For Ninja Warz!
you can play it on your facebook
There is one game like Ninja Warz, its called office wars. yes it's new. Braaains too.
i have no idea what it means sorry TEE HEE i really dont know
office wars but from 1st of February it was closed down D:
its realy hard to he is lv 46 and his name is Robert saledje
how to get the teddy bear in ninja warz
How I Can Get Amethyst Mason For Ninja Warz!
Yes. People have played Ninja warz
i created ninja warz
In Ninja Warz there is: A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+ and O-
never knew there was that function, but i assume your friend can not be a sensei on ninja warz. - level 101.
Its 3857 years old!