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The Ginyu Force are a 5-man team of elite fighters that Frieza employs to retrieve Planet Namek's 7 Dragon Balls in Dragon Ball Z (Kai).

The team consists of (from tallest to shortest, and including their specialty and complexion):

  • Burter (speed, dark blue)
  • Recoome (strength, light tan)
  • Captain Ginyu (strenght and speed, purple)
  • Jeice (firepower, orange)
  • Guldo (psychic, green
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Q: Who are the Ginyu Force in Dragon Ball Z?
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What are the ginyu force names in Dragon Ball Z?

Recoome, Burter, Jeice, Guldo, and Captain Ginyu

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Dragon Ball Z - 1989 Elite Fighters of the Universe--- The Ginyu Force 2-23 was released on: USA: 14 February 1998

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Dragon Ball Z - 1989 Ginyu Assault 3-1 was released on: USA: 13 September 1999

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Dragon Ball Z - 1989 Captain Ginyu--- the Frog 3-7 was released on: USA: 20 September 1999

When is Dragon Ball Z coming back on tv?

It is!! It's actually out right now on Nicktoons Network, call Dragonball Z Kai, they are curently fighting the Ginyu Force on planet Namek.

How did goku survive the explosion of planet namek in dragon ball z Kai?

He went in the Ginyu Forces Space Pods

What actors and actresses appeared in Dragon Ball Z - 1993?

The cast of Dragon Ball Z - 1993 includes: Toshio Furukawa as Piccolo Hideyuki Hori as Captain Ginyu Yukimasa Kishino as Announcer Kenji Utsumi as Recoome

Who are the ginu force in Dragon Ball Z?

the ginyu force is frieza's elite group of members that do his bidding. thanks to them countless worlds were destroyed. their end came at the hands of vegeta. note that goku defeated them and vegeta was the one that ended them permanently. except for ginyu. the members consist of 5. burter, jiece, ginyu, rekoom, and guldo. burter is the fastest, ginyu has the highest power level, and guldo can freeze time momentarily.

Who is reecoom?

Reecoom is one of the 5 members of the ginyu force in the episodes on namek in dragon ball z kai. his special technique is the miracle bomber. he later gets badly injured by goku and gets killed by vegeta.

How did each member of the Ginyu Force die in Dragon Ball Z?

Every member was killed by Vegeta with the exception of Captain Ginyu himself. Guldo had his head cut off. Recoom, Burter and Jeice were all defeated by Goku, but not killed. Vegeta not wanting to leave them a chance, killed them all. Captain Ginyu was transformed into a frog and still lives on. He has a few cameo appearances later on.

Who is Frieza on Dragon Ball Z?

Fieza is the bad guy who goes to planet namek in search of dragon balls to gain eternal life.His dad is king cold , his brother is Cooler. He summons the Famous Ginyu Force. He gets killed by Trunks after being turned into a cyborg.