the answer is the user name is hellothere and the password is 1234567
The username and password that you sent doesnt work anymore. My best guess will be someone logged in and changed the password. Or it never worked. I wouldn't advice to try it as you would just be wasting your time.
my username is my username razorcoolsuperman and my password is asdfghjkl
how to know username and password heroesland members
Let me guess. you know somebody elses password and username, and you want their stuff. Sorry, there is no way.
why do you want to know
my username is my username razorcoolsuperman and my password is asdfghjkl
search up his username
While I don't know this particular game, in online games usually every player has a username and a password - and you would normally create a username and password in the registration process.
If she wants you to have it, then ask her. If she doesn't want you to know, then you shouldn't be going through her email anyway. But if neither of you can remember the password but you know her username, enter the username and hit "forgot password". You can usually work it out from there.
You make a username and password so you should know it.
how to know username and password heroesland members
You can't. You have to play on an IPad, IPhone, or a computer.
Let me guess. you know somebody elses password and username, and you want their stuff. Sorry, there is no way.
No-one know what his password or username is
If you know your your email your okay with the username. You can receive your password by clicking forgot password.
i know someones password and username and i will tell you username: password password:go in this password and username NOW!NOW!NOW!NOW!