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In heads up Poker, the small blind is the player who is required to place the smaller of the two forced bets before the cards are dealt.

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Q: Who is the small blind in heads up poker?
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Who is the big blind in a heads up poker game?

In a heads-up poker game, the player who is sitting in the small blind position is also the big blind.

Who is the big blind in heads up poker?

In heads up poker, the player who is not dealing the cards is the big blind.

Who is the big blind when it's heads up in a poker game?

In a heads-up poker game, the player who is not the dealer is the big blind.

In heads up poker, who is required to post the big blind?

In heads up poker, the player in the dealer position is required to post the big blind.

Is the dealer the big blind in heads up play?

Yes, in heads-up play in poker, the dealer is also the big blind.

What are the rules for heads up poker blinds and how do they affect gameplay?

In heads up poker, the player on the button posts the small blind, and the other player posts the big blind. The blinds are forced bets that help create action and prevent players from folding indefinitely. The blinds affect gameplay by putting pressure on players to play hands and build the pot, leading to more aggressive and strategic play.

What is the typical strategy for playing the big blind in heads up poker?

In heads up poker, the typical strategy for playing the big blind is to be more aggressive and defend your blind by raising or calling bets more often. This is because you are in a disadvantaged position and need to protect your blind by putting pressure on the opponent. It is important to be selective with your hands and make strategic decisions based on the opponent's playing style and betting patterns.

When did National Heads-Up Poker Championship end?

National Heads-Up Poker Championship ended in 2011.

When was National Heads-Up Poker Championship created?

National Heads-Up Poker Championship was created in 2005.

What is the duration of National Heads-Up Poker Championship?

The duration of National Heads-Up Poker Championship is 3600.0 seconds.

How do blinds work in heads up poker and what is their significance in the game?

In heads up poker, blinds are forced bets that the players must make before the cards are dealt. The player sitting to the left of the dealer posts the small blind, and the player to their left posts the big blind. Blinds help create action and prevent players from simply folding until they have a strong hand. They also ensure that there is always something to play for in each hand, making the game more competitive and strategic.

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