Open Oath Obey Odor Ogle Okra Omen Omit Onus Ooze Opal Oral Orgy Oust Oval Oven
Some camping related words that start with the letter O are: oak, observation, occupant, ocean, odor, ointment, omnivorous, onion, opossum, orange, orchard, ordeal, ordinance, organic, organization, organize, outdoors, outfit, outrigger, outside, outskirts
atom, boom, crow, door, enow, from, good, hood, icon, knob, loon, moon, noon, odor, prom, room, soon, thou, upon, wood, zoos
oats,owner,other,or old
It could be many things causing mal odor. Alcoholics tend to have more toxins excreted out their pores then "healthy" people. He could also be having organ issues due to his alcoholism that would effect his odor. It could also be he no longer has good hygene habbits.
Yes, "odor" is a noun that refers to a particular smell or scent.
The olfactory organ consists of olfactory receptors located in the nasal cavity, which are sensitive to odor molecules. When an odor molecule enters the nasal cavity, it binds to specific olfactory receptors, triggering a neural signal that is sent to the brain for interpretation. This process allows us to detect and recognize different odors.
The nasal canal is made up of olfactory cells that allow you to detect odors.
A pungent odor can trigger a reflex to close your nose because your body is interpreting the smell as potentially harmful or toxic. By closing your nose, you reduce the amount of the odor you are exposed to, preventing any potential negative effects.
Your moms tits
None of those words is really a euphemism for the others. Odor and scent are general terms applied to any sort of smell, good or bad, although odor may have a somewhat negative connotation; stench and stinkare bad smells.
One example would be : The odor of the skunk was very putrid.