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email, emanate, emancipate, embalm, embank, embargo, embark, embarrass, embassy, embellish, ember, embezzle, emblem, emboss, embrace, embroidery, embroil, embryo, emcee, emerald, emerge, emeritus, emersion, emission, emit, emotional, empathy, emperor, emphasize, empire, employ and empty are words. They begin with the letters EM.

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Q: Which words that begin with em?
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What are some words starting with em?

Many words begin with the letters EM. Some of those words are emailed, emanate, emancipate, embarrassed, emblem, emerald, empire and empty.

What are some words that begin with the letter em?

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What words start with em?

Hundreds of words begin with the letters EM. A few of those words include email, embalm, embank, embargo, embarrass, embassy, embellish, ember, embezzle, emblem, emboss, embrace, embryo, emcee, emerald, emeritus, emission, emit, emotional, emperor, emphasize, empire, employ and empty.

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The difference in usage between "an" and "a" has mostly to do with vowel sounds. "An" is used in front of words if they begin with a vowel sound even if they begin with a consonant. Because MP is pronounce em-pE, it is given "an."

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