orange (1 or 2 syllables - based on accent - and 6 letters) apricot (3 syllables and 7 letters)
you count one error for each word. even if it contains many errors.
The word "deeded" contains only 2 letters that are each used three times within the word. It is the only such word in the English language.
so if i have only three letters and if i have three it will be fewer the answer is LESS! (I caught that when i read it) it was so easy!
That is a riddle. The answer is "alphabet". It has three syllables, al-pha-bet, and the alphabet contains 26 letters.
The answer is chocolate.
There are three syllables in the word autograph. Aut-o-graph.
Three and twentysix hundredths or three and thirteen fiftieths. or just over three and a quarter.
Like syllables? Yes, there are three syllables in "forgetful."
It's more usual to indicate stressed and unstressed syllables. There are three unstressed syllables in apparatus, comprising six letters.
No it isn't. It has two syllables. The first syllable has three letters but the second syllable has two letters. (Jel-ly)
Artichoke contains three syllables.
Happen has three letter in each of its two syllables: hap-pen.