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card, box, code , bag, haste

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Q: Which word of four letters can be added to the front of the following words to create other English words?
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Which word of four letters can be added to the front of the following words date age card script mark to create other english words?


Which word of four letters can be added to the front of haste to create other English word?


Date x added to English alphabet?

All letters of the English alphabet were added at the same time, except for the following late additions: J, U, and W

What word of four letters can be added to the front of card to create another English word?

card box code haste post

What is surfixes?

"Surfixes" is not a commonly recognized term in English language. It is possible that you may be referring to "suffixes," which are letters or a group of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning or create a new word.

What is the 1st letter added to the English alphabet?

All of the letters of the English alphabet were added at the same time, except: J, U, and W

What were the two letters were added last in English?

J, U, and W were all added in the Middle Ages.

If im a prefix?

I am a group of letters added at the beginning of a word to change its meaning or create a new word.

Which letters of the alphabet are included in English after shakespeare?

In Shakespeare's time, the Latin alphabet for English didn't include the letter J. It was added a few years after his death.

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What is a prefix of sensitive?

A prefix of "sensitive" is "sen-". It is a group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning or create a new word.

What are the 2 last letters in the English language?

Y and Z are the last letters in the alphabet. W and J were the last letters to be added to the alphabet. Originally, the letter U was also used to represent the W sound, and the letter I to represent the J sound.