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A breeder has one on route 210

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Q: Which trainer has a magby in Pokemon Platinum?
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What trainer has Magby in Pokemon platinum?

there isn't a trainer you can catch them near the fuego inworks

is. there any trainer with a magby pokemon platinum?

None of trainers in Diamond or Pearl have an Elekid or Magby, so the only other way is to get one off the trading boards. However, in Platinum, you can actually find wild Elekids or Magbys.

Where do you catch magby in Pokemon platinum?

You can catch Magby by Feugo Ironworks.

Where is magby Pokemon platinum?

you can't get him you can get a magmar.

Where can you find magby?

Magby is the baby version of the fire Pokemon Magmar. You can find one outside the ironworks in Pokemon Platinum.

What trainer has a magby on Platinum?

pokebreeder Amber, route 210 just south of the cabin.

Where is there a trainer in Pokemon Platinum with the Pokemon bagon?

Sorry but there isn't a trainer with a bagon in platinum.

How do you catch a magby in Pokemon Platinum?

Of course, throwing Pokéball at it...

What Pokemon breeder can you find that has a magby and a Togepi on Pokemon platinum?

You can find a trainer with magby on the Solaceon Town side of Route 210. And once you have beaten the Eterna Gym Leader, Gardenia, and visited the Galactic Eterna Building, you should have received an egg from Cynthia, the Pokemon Champion. That egg will hatch into a togepi.

What trainer has kingdra in Pokemon Platinum?

no one no trainer has a kingdra in Pokemon platinum exept for me :P

Where is magmarizer?

It can be found on a wild Magby, or on Route 214 in Pokemon Platinum

How do you evolve Magby in Pokemon platinum?

it evolves by happiness in every game its in.