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Q: Which tempo marking means to play at an easy walking pace?
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Could largo be considered walking tempo?

Not really - large is "slow". Andante is "at an easy walking pace".

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The term tempo rubato means?

It is the Italian word meaning 'robbed'. It's an important element of a lot of music that is easy to hear, but more difficult to do well. Rubato means that there is a fluctuation in speed in the performance, some notes or phrases being played more quickly, and other notes or phrases less quickly. One way of thinking of it is that using rubato in a piece of music will give a performance of close to the same length as if the piece were played with a strict metronomic attack. The 'gives and takes' in a rubato performance balance out in the end.

How easy is to get tobacco?

As easy as walking into a store and putting your money down, unfortunately.

Why walking in a slope path is not easy?

Walking in a slope path is not easy because you will require more muscles. The body tends to incline backwards and it takes some effort to keep it straight while still walking.

What are some easy workouts?

Walking runnng or jogging

What should you name your dog walking company?

easy. u shouldn't name ur dog walking company.

What does simpling mean?

it means easy .

What are the steps for replacing the heater core in a 1988 Tempo with air conditioner?

Not easy. Get a manual on your car and it will help on the next repair.

What did the phrase it's like walking in the park mean?

It was easy , effortless

Does a 1993 Ford Tempo have driver side airbags?

In 1985 the Ford Tempo became the 1st production US car to offer an optional driver-side airbag.Until its last year,1994,it remained optional.However very few cars were thus equipped.I don't think it's easy to find such a Tempo today!

What is featuring?

On the WikiAnswers (WA) site, featuring means cleaning up some unanswered questions and marking them for inclusion on the WA home page. We try to make the featured questions clear and easy to answer, in order to encourage more people to answer questions.