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Q: Which states start and end with the same letter?
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Related questions

What states start and end with the same letter?

· Alabama · Alaska · Arizona · Ohio

What 4 states start and end with the same letter?

Alaska, Alabama. Arizona,Ohio

How many states start and end with same letTER?

· Alabama · Alaska · Arizona · Ohio

What long words end and start with the same letter?

Some longer than average words that start and end with the same letter are:straightforwardnessexperiencemilitarismmulticulturalismexterminatesuperfluousnesscatastrophicarachnophobiacharacteristicdecaffeinateddisenfranchisedexcommunicategrandstandinggroundbreakinglackadaisicalnationalizationnewspaperwomanproprietorshipspontaneousnesstranscendentalisttranscriptionist

What states start and end in the letter A?

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona

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What US states start and end with the letter a?

Alabama, Alaska and Arizona are U.S. states.

How many American states have letter begin and end with letter a?

Twenty-one U.S. states end in the letter a. The states are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Virginia and West Virginia.

What are some 11 LETTER words that begin and end with the same letter?

11 letter words that begin and end with the same letter:charismaticdisappeareddiscrediteddistributedgalvanizinggerminatingseriousnesstranslucenttransparent

What 7 letter words that start and end by same letter?

Algebra, alfalfa, ammonia, amnesia and antenna are 7 letter words. They begin and end with the letter a.

What words that start and end with the same letter?

mom yay rear dad