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Opinion 1 - I'm only speaking of the actual storyline from the Japanese creators. In Japan so far, Pearlshipping is the most popular followed by Advanceshipping and Negaishipping, and Pokeshipping is kinda dead however Pokeshipping is 'alive' in the English version because nearly half of its hints are not canon an example would be the Pokemon movie: Jirachi Wish Maker where Ash supposedly talked about Misty saying how much he missed ''an old friend'' but in Japanese Ash was actually talking about how sleeping a 1000 years for Jirachi should just be a blink of an eye and nothing to do with Misty and another example would be a song that Misty sang about how she liked ash but that is not canon as well as it was not made by the original creators of Pokemon and was made by the English version and thus has no effect on the actual storyline so it can't be used as a Pokeshipping hint but in the future who knows? Things might change.

Opinion 2 - 3 or 4 hints for Pokeshipping were put in the dubbed version of Pokémon. Jirachi: Wish Maker was indeed one of them and Misty's Song is never really counted as a hint to PokéShipping fans since it's known that it was a dubbed song. There was another hint where Misty told them that "they would get married someday" and that was dubbed and Pokeshipping fans don't count it as a hint. The jealousy and the blushing between the two were not dub-added. You can watch the Japanese version yourself, it has no difference really besides no one knows about Japan's most popular shipping since there is no concrete proof that PearlShipping is the most popular shipping there.

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