James Buchanan, George Bush and George W. Bush were the U.S. Presidents with a last name that begins with the letter B. The U.S. Presidents with a first name that begins with the letter B are Barrack Obama and Benjamin Harrison.
Names that begin with the letter G:GeorgeGaryGraceGregGeraldineGrantGrahamGillGilbertGracieGreer
Ivana Trump
Street names that begin with the letter O:OakOakdaleOakleyOatOceanOgdenOhioOliverOntarioOrchardOregonOverbrookOwlOxfordOzark
Boy names that begin with the letter L:LanceLaneLarryLawrenceLeeLeifLeighLeoLeonLeonardLeroyLesLesterLewisLincolnLionelLloydLorenzoLucianLukeLymanLlywelynLewys
Salvatore, Shane and Shayne are boy names. Sophie, Stephanie, Susie and Suzanne are girl names.
Franklin Pierce and James Polk were U.S. Presidents.
Zachary Taylor
Franklin Pierce and James Polk were U.S. Presidents. They names begin with the letter P.
Woodrow Wilson Ronald Reagan Calvin Coolidge Herbert Hoover
Woodrow Wilson is one
William Howard TaftRichard M. Nixon
· Richard Nixon
ahmed amir
Names that begin with the letter G:GeorgeGaryGraceGregGeraldineGrantGrahamGillGilbertGracieGreer
Ivana Trump
Street names that begin with the letter O:OakOakdaleOakleyOatOceanOgdenOhioOliverOntarioOrchardOregonOverbrookOwlOxfordOzark