Compound eyes only work on the Pokemon that has the ability so if fainted they can't use it, if they faint & get revived yes their abilities still work. ----------------------------------------------------- No, if you have a Pokemon with the ability compound eyes in the first slot, fainted, it will still increase the chances of running into a Pokemon with an item.
if the first Pokemon in your party has the ability keen eye it increases the chance of wild Pokemon holding items when u find them
The ability 'Vital Spirit' is an ability that prevents the pokemon with that ability to fall asleep. It is similiar to the ability 'Insomnia'.
"Is there a Pokemon that has the ability shadow tag in Pokemon diamond?"Yes. The two Pokemon that have the ability shadow tag in ppokemon diamond are wynaut and wobbuffet.
an electric pokemon have a static ability can attract a electric pokemon.
Compound eyes only work on the Pokemon that has the ability so if fainted they can't use it, if they faint & get revived yes their abilities still work. ----------------------------------------------------- No, if you have a Pokemon with the ability compound eyes in the first slot, fainted, it will still increase the chances of running into a Pokemon with an item.
Nincada, Butterfree, Yanma, Venonat, and Joltik.
Wingull or Pelleper You shouldn't buy a ford Most bird Pokemon have the keen eye ability but some other Pokemon like sableye or hitmonchan have it too.
Compound eye
It is a compound eye.
The compound eye senses light.
What compound Adjektive includes eye
No, the word ability is not a compound word.
Butterfree for sure. With it's ability "Compound Eyes" it will have the highest accuracy of any status Pokemon out there.
From a Compound Eye was created on 2006-01-24.
if the first Pokemon in your party has the ability keen eye it increases the chance of wild Pokemon holding items when u find them
Yes, the compound SOCl2 has the ability to invert stereochemistry.