

Best Answer

Nincada, Butterfree, Yanma, Venonat, and Joltik.

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Q: Which pokemon have compound eye ability?
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Does Compound Eyes still work if the Pokemon is fainted?

Compound eyes only work on the Pokemon that has the ability so if fainted they can't use it, if they faint & get revived yes their abilities still work. ----------------------------------------------------- No, if you have a Pokemon with the ability compound eyes in the first slot, fainted, it will still increase the chances of running into a Pokemon with an item.

What pokemon has ability compound eyes?

Nincada, Butterfree, Yanma, Venonat, and Joltik.

What Pokemon has keen eye in sapphire?

Wingull or Pelleper You shouldn't buy a ford Most bird Pokemon have the keen eye ability but some other Pokemon like sableye or hitmonchan have it too.

Eye made of many identical light-sensitive cells?

Compound eye

Is the eye of the ant compound or simple?

It is a compound eye.

What does the compound eye do on the crayfish?

The compound eye senses light.

What compound adjectives word starts with eye?

What compound Adjektive includes eye

Is the word ability a compound word?

No, the word ability is not a compound word.

Who is the best Pokemon to use double status SleepParalysis Burn in OU battles?

Butterfree for sure. With it's ability "Compound Eyes" it will have the highest accuracy of any status Pokemon out there.

When was From a Compound Eye created?

From a Compound Eye was created on 2006-01-24.

How can the chances of a lunatone in sapphire holding a moon stone increase?

if the first Pokemon in your party has the ability keen eye it increases the chance of wild Pokemon holding items when u find them

Does the compound SOCl2 have the ability to invert stereochemistry?

Yes, the compound SOCl2 has the ability to invert stereochemistry.