Well any pokemon that can use the strength tm to move that boulder out of the way unless it's a big boulder you cant move that
any pokemon that can learn strength can push aside a big boulder
To move a big boulder you need obtain the move Strength. To use the move outside of battle you need the Rainbow badge.
A.) If you're asking where it is (meaning where HM04 is), it is in the Rusturf Tunnel between Verdanturf town and Route 116. B.)If you're asking when you can use it, the answer is that you can only use strength once: 1). A pokemon in your party knows it 2). You have the Heat Badge from defeating Flannerly of lavaridge town. 3.) You are next to and facing a boulder that strength can be used on. C.)If you mean where it can be used, you can use it whenever there's a boulder and the game says something like "it a big boulder, a pokemon may be able to move it" or something like that. you'll also need a pokemon that's learned it in your party.
Get Gold on all castles
any pokemon that can learn strength can push aside a big boulder
in the cave with big boulder
To move a big boulder you need obtain the move Strength. To use the move outside of battle you need the Rainbow badge.
teach it to a pokemon, then walk up to the boulder you want to use and press A
You must have HM04 Strength and the corresponding gym badge to move the boulder.
i know 1 by stration city by where you find munna you must have to look at the side of the big boulder.
200 cm.
help i don,t know how to get past the big big big boulder in mt lava in the game fossil fighters!
look where the Pokemon is then hit a next to one of the holes one of them will say a boulder might fit into it and use strength to push it in that hole
To use strenght outside battle you need: A Pokemon that knows strenght or the HM so you can teach it to a Pokemon The Mine Badge from Byron in Canalave City. Have a Pokemon knowing strenght on your team and go to a place where you need strenght. Press A in front of the big, grey boulder you want to move and use strenght. Now when you walk, you'll push the boulder in front of you. You don't have to use strenght for every new boulder, you'll only have to re-use it if you go in another room.