088 ^Oddie the Sweet Ringy Thingy [Foodie] Yellow Star Blossom, Black Star Blossom, Purple Star Blossom
010 Snookums the Baby Tumteedum [Dino] Any 3 Star Blossoms
Currently there is no Moshling that can be caught with a Yellow Star Blossom, a Yellow Magic Bean, and a Star Blossom. You can catch Fumble using the Yellow Star Blossom and the Yellow Magic Beans, but you need to add Yellow Love Berries. 053 Fumble the Acrobatic Sea Star [Fishie] any Star Blossom, Yellow Magic Beans, Yellow Love Berries
Oddie is a moshling on Moshi Monsters that has a ring shape similar to a donut.088 Oddie the Sweet Ringy Thingy [Foodies] Yellow Star Blossom, Black Star Blossom, Purple Star Blossom
Fumble: ANY Star Blossom + YELLOW Love Berries + YELLOW Magic Beansadd me coreyd-l and add my sis gogocdl
You can get Snookums: 010 Snookums the Baby Tumteedum [Dino] Any 3 Star Blossoms You can also attract Oddie if you grow the correct colors of Star Blossoms: 088 Oddie the Sweet Ringy Thingy [Foodie] Yellow Star Blossom, Black Star Blossom, Purple Star Blossom
You can get Snookums. 010 Snookums the Baby Tumteedum [Dino] Any 3 Star Blossoms
Currently there is no Moshling that can be caught with a Yellow Star Blossom, a Yellow Magic Bean, and a Star Blossom. You can catch Fumble using the Yellow Star Blossom and the Yellow Magic Beans, but you need to add Yellow Love Berries. 053 Fumble the Acrobatic Sea Star [Fishie] any Star Blossom, Yellow Magic Beans, Yellow Love Berries
No Moshling.
Oddie is moshling number 88. 088 Oddie the Sweet Ringy Thingy [Foodie] Yellow Star Blossom, Black Star Blossom, Purple Star Blossom
You get Oddie the sweet ringy thingy with a purple star blossom, black star blossom, and a yellow star blossom
There is no moshling on Moshi Monsters that can be attracted by a yellow Star Blossom and a yellow Love Berries flower.
to get oddie, you need a purple star blossom, black star blossom, and a yellow star blossom. for more information on how to get uncommon moshlings, get the Moshling collector's Guide book.
Oddie is an Ultra Rare moshling on Moshi Monsters.088 Oddie the Sweet Ringy Thingy [Foodies] Yellow Star Blossom, Black Star Blossom, Purple Star Blossom
088 Oddie the Sweet Ringy Thingy [Foodies] Yellow Star Blossom, Black Star Blossom, Purple Star Blossom
u need a yellow star blossom + black star blossom + purple star blossom add me! i have all the codes! mopod, arby and moshling! grace71324
The code to get Fumble is: Star Blossom Yellow Love Berry Yellow Magic Bean
Oddie is a moshling on Moshi Monsters that has a ring shape similar to a donut.088 Oddie the Sweet Ringy Thingy [Foodies] Yellow Star Blossom, Black Star Blossom, Purple Star Blossom
The 4th moshling on moshlings.com is called busling. The code for catching busling is by combining a yellow star blossom, a yellow magic bean, and a yellow dragon fruit.