1 Star DragonBall (Pilaf's Palace, extra mode)
2 Star DragonBall (Muscle Tower, extra mode)
3 Star DragonBall (Underwater Cavern, extra mode)
4 Star DragonBall (Goku's House, extra mode)
5 Star DragonBall (Red Ribbon's Base, extra mode)
6 Star DragonBall (Red Ribbon's Base, extra mode)
7 Star DragonBall (Final level, extra mode)
There are 15 levels to this game!!
No ssj4 goku and ssj4 Vegeta is equal in power levels as a ssj4. Pls note that this will only happen at the end of Dragonball GT. At the end of Dragonball Z Goku is one level higher than Vegeta as ssj3.
You must defeat the first few Subspace Levels first.
In the game run on adventure and I swear to you, I played it myself because I was curious, there is 50 levels, but you can continue to play in intense mode.
In Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3 you must fly around Dragon Universe and places with??? could be dragon balls. This is what makes it fun. If you are Goku/Vegeta/Piccolo 2 dragonballs in Saiyan Saga 2 dragonballs in Frieza Saga 1 dragonball in Andriod Saga/Cell Saga (Whatever you call it) 2 dragonballs in Buu Saga ---------------------------------------------- If you are Krillin there are 3 dragonballs in Sayian Saga and 4 dragonablls in Freiza Saga -------------------------------------------- If you are Kid Gohan There are 4 dragonballs on Saiyan Saga and 3 on Frieza Saga ----------------------------------------- If you are Teen Gohan/Adult Gohan/Uub/Broly All the dragon balls are in the same place ------------------------------------- For the rest you have to explore :)
There are 8 levels to the advanced stage.
The levels are Begginer, intermediate, advanced intermediate and advanced there may be more but i don't know them.
No! There are all kinds of places to cycle at different levels from beginner to advanced. Really all you need is a good bike, a good course and an adventurous spirit.
PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) is the largest organization who provides certifications and training for scuba divers. Levels of certifications include; open water, advanced, adventure, rescue, and master diver.
The first year of A levels is typically referred to as AS-levels, which stands for Advanced Subsidiary levels.
complet your new levels
there are 20 levels in the volcano. By (someone in the world)
The US equivalent of A levels is Advanced Placement (AP) exams.
there are 22 chapters
There are 15 levels to this game!!