The newest is call of duty black ops which is about Vietnam
The newest released game is Call of Duty Black Ops released on November 9 2010 and the 8th game of the Call of Duty series is expected to be released after October 2011 as Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3
uhm i believe it is call of duty 5 world at war or brothers in arms hells highway
Ascension is the newest Zombie map from the First Strike Map Pack for Call of Duty Black Ops PS3 and Xbox 360 Versions of the game. see related link. It is not available on the disc form either as an individual map or together with First Strike or on any of the Call of Duty Black Ops game versions being sold in disc form. there is no such game as "call of duty ascension. it does not exist.
Already there has been a new record of the latest call of duty game Call of duty modern warfare 2.
The newest is call of duty black ops which is about Vietnam
The newest is Call of Duty Black Ops which is about Vietnam
Call of duty Ghost is the newest game in the Call of Duty series. It was released on November 5th 2013. It is a video game.
The newest released game is Call of Duty Black Ops released on November 9 2010 and the 8th game of the Call of Duty series is expected to be released after October 2011 as Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3
Call Of Duty Black Ops Out Now!
They all suck!
Its cod MW 3, call of duty modern warfare 3.
No there was not even a Call of Duty 5 It's just a slang name. The newest Call of Duty game is Call of Duty Black Ops Yes and its name is Black ops. Game will take place in cold war time .
Call of Duty World at War: Final Fronts
No , but they did design a PS2 game Call of Duty World of War Final Fronts. The never used the name call of duty 5 and stopped at call of duty 4 modern warfare although some people still try to use the numbers for the newest game call of duty modern warfare 3 even though it is four games later without the numbers being used