If you don't want to trade either, I would say Typhlosion, Tyranitar, Ampharos, Dragonite, Poliwrath (Feraligatr if you want to trade) and Alakazam, but that's just my opinion.
No, you cannot breed Legendaries with the exception of Manaphy.
Mt. Silver or the Pokemon league
Disregarding Legendaries, the most powerful Pokemon by stats is Slaking. Although Nature and IV's also have a lot to do with it. It all depends on the stats you like.
no legendary:gyarados legendary:lugia -megaman9999
sorry you have to trade it to Pokemon soul silver
No, you cannot breed Legendaries with the exception of Manaphy.
the best type of ball to catch all legendaries is the ultra ball
There isn't a way.
In Pokemon Soul silver or silver or gold, the legendaries you can get is Lugia, Suicune, Entai, Raikou, Mew and Mew 2
Mt. Silver or the Pokemon league
Disregarding Legendaries, the most powerful Pokemon by stats is Slaking. Although Nature and IV's also have a lot to do with it. It all depends on the stats you like.
The Pokemon League
chikorita it gets pretty tough
Deoxys cannot lay eggs, it is a legendary, no legendaries can lay eggs unless of course it was a cheat.