

Best Answer

The claw fossle is better... BUT after you beat the elite four, go into the house in route 114 the fossil maniac's house and go ito the cave he busted open. at the end of the cave there is the opposite fossil of wich you got in the desert. there is also lots of dittos in there!!!

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Q: Which is the best fossil to get in ruby?
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In Pokemon ruby which fossil is better?

The Claw fossil

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== ==

Will all of the Fossils be available in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire?

No, not all fossils can be found in Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire however the fossils that can be found would include the Dome Fossil also known as the Kabuto fossil, Plume Fossil which is the Archen fossil and Armor Fossil which is also the Shieldon fossil can be found in Omega Ruby, the Skull Fossil also known as the Cranidos fossil and Cover Fossil (also known as the Tirtouga fossil) can be found in Alpha Sapphire while the Old Amber Fossil which is the Aerodactyl fossil can be found in both Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.

Pokemon ruby version where is the fossil?

IT is in the mountain where you fight a guy and you get to choose which fossil to get

What is the difference between root fossil and claw fossil on ruby?

there are different Pokemon in it

Fossil Pokemon Ruby?

Anorith and Lileep.

Where do you get the claw fossil in Pokemon ruby?

In the dessert

What Pokémon is in the root fossil in Pokémon ruby?

It is lileep.

What is the claw fossil's purpose in Pokemon ruby?

you can revive it to get an anorith. the root fossil will give you lileep.

Should you take the claw fossil or root fossil in ruby?

in the desert wear your go goggles

Root fossil Pokemon ruby?

it is in the top right of the desert. you can choose between it and the claw fossil

How do you find dome fossil in ruby?

The dome fossil is only in firered and leafgreen, you can get the claw fossil or some other fossil, the claw fossil is anorith the other one is lileep.