The IBM 5100, the first commercially available portable computer, appeared in September 1975. The Gavilan SC, released in 1983, was the first computer described as a "laptop" by its manufacturer. see related link
Daily Jumble 12/20/17:You can buy shares of IBM because the exchange has plenty...Answer: IN STOCKClue words: icing, skimp, invite, noodle
IBM is the company that made iNotes. It's a program to help you get to your mail, calendar and contacts easily. iNotes can be used online or offline. You can also add widgets to your notes in order to have a shortcut to your desired target whether it be your calendar, email, or to-do lists.
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It is the Pheonix gang logo - I'm not sure why it's labelled VTAM but below are the definitions:Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM) is IBM's software package that provides communications via telecommunication devices for mainframe ... licensed program that controls communication and data flow in an SNA network. It provides single-domain, multiple-domain, and interconnected ...VTAM = Vile Tough And Mean
IBM created the Deep Blue chess computer. Intel provided chips included in the IBM system.
Ibm computer the best computer
Chess Master Gary Kasparov lost the first game of a six-game match to IBM's chess computer, "Deep Blue" in 1996.
IBM international chess tournament was created in 1961.
IBM international chess tournament ended in 1981.
The IBM computer that Kasparov played against twice is called Deep Blue.
Don't forget about Deeper Blue, a computer invented by IBM that crushed Garry Kasporov, proclaimed the best player in the world.
IBM has an official website where one can purchase accessories for their computer. Additionally, stores such as Best Buy sell accessories for IBM computers as well.
Garry Kasparov, then reigning world chess champion, defeated Deep Blue (IBM Super Computer) on February 17, 1996. On May 11, 1997, Deep Blue (nicknamed "Deeper Blue" after significant upgrades following the first match) defeated Kasparov in a rematch. This was the first time a computer system defeated a reigning world chess champion during an official chess tournament rules time-controlled match. Kasparov protested and accused IBM of cheating. IBM refused another rematch and dismantled Deep Blue.
It is true that the computer cannot think but the people who programmed the computer can. So if you take a very powerful computer ( like Deep Blue) and program it very clever then the computer will be very good at chess and can even defeat a world champion.
'Deep Blue' was the first computer to beat a world chess champion. It defeated Garry Kasparov in 1997. There may well have been earlier computers that beat humans who did not play very well.