

Best Answer


  • Bananas are disgusting
  • They are yellow (gross)
  • They smell bad
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Q: Which is more popular the banana or the apple?
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Which has more potassium a banana or an apple?

Banana has more vitamin than apple. banana has potasium and lots of vitamins you can gain by eating banana.

What are the healthiest an apple an orange an banana?

banana is more better

What is more good for you an apple or banana?

A apple because it helps u

What rots faster an apple or banana?

A banana because it is more exposed to decomposers.

Will a apple ripen more rapidly than a banana more than a lemon?

A banana will ripen (and go bad) faster than an apple, and last would be a lemon.

An apple costs the same as 2 oranges a banana and an orange cost 10 cents more than an apple 2oranges cost 15 cents more than a banana cost for each fruit?

Apple = $0.50 Banana = $0.35 Orange = $0.25

How can you balance an apple and banana?

Put a banana on your head and the apple on your arm..

Does placing an apple with a banana affect the bananas ripeness?

No, but the banana affects the apple's ripeness- the APPLE grows quicker. The banana grows normally.

Does an apple have more mass than an banana?

yes, you dumm o a banana has more mass than a apple (dumm pips) -_-

What browns faster a banana or an apple?

A apple

Would an apple beat a banana in a fight?

no way. A banana would kill the apple no problems =)

Which one stays fresher apple or banana?
