Type 'Banana' using the B in 'Gooseberry', the A in 'Apple' and the 2nd N in 'Nectarine'.
Well... You need a banana, apple, cherry and bowl, then you go and take it to the supermarket. After this you go and rob the bank but fail! And there you go you have automatically recieved a Hoverboard
Pikachu is much more popular in my opinion
Merely because so many people use it! If people didn't use it because it wasn't popular, it wouldn't be popular, so the more you use it, the more popular it will become lol!
Minecraft is definitely less popular than roblox
Banana has more vitamin than apple. banana has potasium and lots of vitamins you can gain by eating banana.
banana is more better
A apple because it helps u
A banana because it is more exposed to decomposers.
A banana will ripen (and go bad) faster than an apple, and last would be a lemon.
Apple = $0.50 Banana = $0.35 Orange = $0.25
Put a banana on your head and the apple on your arm..
No, but the banana affects the apple's ripeness- the APPLE grows quicker. The banana grows normally.
yes, you dumm o a banana has more mass than a apple (dumm pips) -_-
A apple
no way. A banana would kill the apple no problems =)