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It's not which is better - they are slightly different. MapleSEA has certain areas and monsters that MapleGlobal doesn't have, and vice versa. If you are in North America, I'd say join MapleGlobal, as the servers will be closer to you, so there will be less lag.

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Q: Which is better Maplesea or Mapleglobal?
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Can you play aple without Asia Passport?

Yes you can play MapleStory without an Asia Passport. MapleSEA and probably other Asian countries' maplestory versions require a passport. If you're playing MapleGlobal version, no passport is required.Here is the website for MapleGlobal:

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There are many MapleStory's like MapleSEA which is MapleStory in Asia. MapleGlobal which is America Maple Story and there is KoreaMaple which is MapleStory in Korea. There is many more soon to be launched and the game MapleStory was inspired by the anime "MapleStory".

Where is stumpy in Maplestory?

Stumpy is found on Victoria Island in the Perion region. You can find him on East Rocky Road V. Use your world map to figure out where E Rocky Road V is at. A very useful website to help you out on just about any information about maple is that's only if the version you're playing is MapleGlobal. Go to and go to the top tabs to Database and go choose your version (MapleSEA or MapleGlobal)

Is mapleglobal available for foreign countries?

Yeah, you can check on the website which countries it supports. It should be everywhere though, it is MapleGLOBAL.

How do you play MapleGlobal in China?

you can't neega

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When does dual blade come out in MapleSEA?

It's already out.

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When does the pirate job come out on Maplestory?

On MapleGlobal, it came out on the 12th of November