yes if u use hack u can never turn back unless u press new game
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turn it off and then turn it back on
Turn your Nintendo DS off. Then take the game out and blow everywhere on the back and blow where you put the DS game in. After you do that, put the game back in and turn it on. It won't be frozen anymore. Or for an easier way turn it off and turn it on again.
You have to buy the game.
I doubt it you retard Ive never heard of a game where you can turn of blood
To get one-sixth of a number, divide that number by six.
it is just a game!
of what game? i will tell you when you tell me the game ^^
its coming out when they all turn straight. so probly never
Is there going to be the sixth ben 10 ulimate alein video game.
The sixth playable character is Knives Chau. In order to play her, you must purchase the extra content for the game.
which game series
I'll tell you how. First you have turn off the game but don't save it. Once you've done that take out the game. After that, you never play it again.
I'll tell you how. First you have turn off the game but don't save it. Once you've done that take out the game. After that, you never play it again.