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you use your index finger to type the letter b

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Q: Which finger do you use to key the letter b?
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Which finger do you use to type b key?

You can use your right index finger to type the "b" key on a standard QWERTY keyboard.

What finger is used to strike the B key?

if using a qwerty keyboard then use left index finger to strike "b" the finger with which you strike "f"

How do you finger a c flat on a saxapohone?

The same way you finger B natural. First finger on your left hand, add the octave key for the B an octave above.

How do you play B on the clarinet?

low b- left hand:thumb on back key, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd key down, and right middle finger on the middle finger key. DO NOT PUT THE FIRST FINGER DOWN ON THE RIGHT HAND! that would play a b flat B above the break- back left thumb, all three left hand key holes, all three right hand key holes, and the outside extension key. hit this key with the left pinky. high b- back left thumb, first finger on 1st key hole, 2nd finger on key hold

What finger is used to type b?

right index finger. Or the right thumb. Or if you are writing a substantial amount of information on the right side of the keyboard (ie "o,l,m, or k)your hands could be more to that side so you would then write it with your left index finger. really depends on how fast your typing and what finger you want to use at the time. in the end all that really matters is that the key was typed.

Where is the b note on a saxophone?

finger an A with the left hand (the first two keys your fingers are on), and add the last of the three rectangular keys with the palm of your right hand, located near the hook. Fingering diagrams are extremely helpful in these situations. a different guy, WRONG! you use both of your pointer fingers.

How do you finger an a sharp on the flute?

A sharp is the same as B flat. So normally you would use left thumb, left index finger, right index finger, and left pinky. Or... You can use the double left thumb key (the one on the left) and left index finger with left pinky. The second fingering is usually easier, unless there is a Cb in the key signature, then you may want to use the first. The first fingering is usually taught first.

Fingering for B flat on the cello?

Cb is the same as B natural. So use your index finger on your left hand, and add the octave key as needed. For the lowest Cb, use all three main fingers on your left hand, plus the pinky key that is in the center and to the right. Then use your three main fingers on your right hand plus the bottom pinky key.

What is b flat highon a clarinet?

Thumb, octave key, index finger, middle finger, and the longest right-hand side key. It's basically the same as a low Eb.

How do you use a braille typewriter?

A braille typewriter, also called a brailler or a braillewriter, is quite different from the kind of typewriter one uses to type a print document. It does not have a separate key for each letter. Instead, you press down the keys corresponding to the dots in each letter. To type the letter a, you would press the key under your left index finger. To type a b, you would press down your left index and middle fingers simultaneously.

What key are used in a b flat on an alto saxophone?

You can use one of three fingers.The first is the most recommended one when just playing a regular b flat. Put down your first two fingers on the first and second key then press the bottom side key with your palm. (In other words play an 'A' then as your playing that press the bottom side palm key)The second fingering is an alternate fingering, used when going through notes chromatically. With your first finger onlypress the first key and the small key underneath it. Your not play 'A' so be careful not to press the second key.The last fingering is not recommended (At least not by my instructor), but it can be played. Press the first key with your first finger (The 'B') Then press the fourth key with your other first finger. (The 'F' key) These are the only two keys you should have pressed down the other fingers should be up.These are all fingers for B flat on a saxophone.

What is the fingering for clarinet highest note?

That's funny; I was just trying to learn that just now, too. Anyways, to finger an F sharp, you must place your 1st finger on the first key, 3rd finger on the 3rd key, your thumb on the key that you use to play a B sharp, your pinky on the pinky key, and your right hand ring finger to the left of the pinky key. You probably will get a F sharp when blowing into the flute, but to make it sound higher, you must use more air. More air can make any note sound higher. Also, use correct posture if it does not work, as I have learned from my conductor.Hope this helps!--TheRighteousOne14 (Recommend me so I can answer your flute questions!)