May kisses Drew in the episode titled "The Bells Are Singing!" in the Pokémon anime series. This episode is from the Advanced Challenge season, specifically episode 36. May kisses Drew during a Contest Spectacular performance, showcasing their evolving relationship as rivals and friends in the world of Pokémon coordination.
They don't actually kiss they may be attracted to each other but I've watched Pokemon and I can tell u that there's no episode where they kiss. Oh and if u think they kiss because of some pictures on Photobucket or whatever, those photos may be handmade or created by photoshop.
yes they did kiss
they never kiss
Brianna asks May if she likes Drew in Pokemon episode 439. The episode is named Spontaneous Combusken! and aired November 4, 2006.
Pokemon episode 388 - "who, what, when, where, wynaut?"
Ash did not kiss May in Episode 357. It was only a rumor the spread through the Pokemon fandom. This episode was aired only in Japan, so the rumor of a kiss could not be confirmed or denied.
Actually, there isn't an episode where they kiss. Not even on the cheek.
kiss girls couple
Drew and May battled in the grand festival.Anyway it was in episode 456 called: May, We Hardly Drew'd Ya!
yes they did kiss
Episode 165
they never kiss
episode 10
Brianna asks May if she likes Drew in Pokemon episode 439. The episode is named Spontaneous Combusken! and aired November 4, 2006.
No she did not kiss any one but ash in episode 356 or 357 it is called kiss under the mistletoe.But their is a possibility she likes Ash or Drew and i wanted to see that episode but the Americans were not happy about this but if you want to see it badly i suggested you go to japan wait for x-mas and go to TV Tokyo
No, Drew does not become May's boyfriend in any of the aired episodes that shows Drew or May.
Pokemon episode 388 - "who, what, when, where, wynaut?"
in the episode where may saves drew i think its in the pokemon series