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I say the Kanto Colonie

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Q: Which colonies did the guitar come from?
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Does Guitar Hero come with the guitar controller?

Yes it does.

Does Guitar Hero three for mac come with a guitar?

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When you buy Guitar Hero metallica does it come with the guitar controller?

Well, you can buy Guitar Hero Metallica with or without the guitar!

Is there a guitar controller for the Gamecube?

The GameCube, unfortunately, doesn't come with a guitar accessory. The Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii all do come with guitar accessories, however.

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You have to beat Joe Perry in a guitar battle, then buy him in the store and he will come with the guitar.

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What year did Guitar Hero come out?

Guitar Hero 1 came out in November of 2005.

Did the electric guitar come before the bass guitar?

Yes. The first electric guitar was on the market in 1932, the first electric bass guitar was on the market in 1935.

Does Guitar Hero metallica come with a guitar?

Only if you buy the guitar that comes with the game in the 2 in 1 pack for 100-120$$