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Q: Which characteristic of American culture impacted the video game industry the most?
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How has september 11 impacted american culture?

many people died for each other!

The impact of automation on American culture and lifestyles?

Automation has impacted American culture and lifestyles in profound ways. It has drastically communication, banking, entertainment, and the labor force.

What was the effect of the dawes acts?

The Dawes Act impacted on self-governance, unity and culture of Native American tribes.

What impacted culture most in America?

Many people would have impacted culture in America. Depending on what state/area you are in will change who impacted the culture the most as there are lost of different types of cultures in the US.

What was the significance of the Dawes Act?

The Dawes Act impacted on self-governance, unity and culture of Native American tribes.

How did Michael Jackson contribute to American culture?

Music. He can be said to have changed the music industry.

What were the characteristic of the plains Indians culture?

The Plains Indians were nomads. They were good hunters. Their main food was the American Buffalo.

How has American culture impacted the notion of gender roles in other cultures around the world?

It has been suggested that their culture contributed to political thinking during the development of the United States government

How has 9-11 impacted American Culture?

9-11 has impacted american culture in many ways. The world trade center was pretty much the base communications between the countries. many people died in there and many were bruttally injured. many has been in fear and many have persuaded the military to start a war between u.s and iraq.

What impact did the American Revolution have on Georgia?

The American Revolution impacted Georgia culture. Revolutionary war veterans were granted land in Georgia. The Indians were controlled more and the colonists expanded.

What has contributed to the success of the sporting goods industry?

penetration of U.S. culture overseas has been a boon to the sporting goods industry. There often is a dynamic interplay between the popularity of the American lifestyle, the star-quality of American athletes, and the marketing savvy of American industry.