

Best Answer
  • Antarctic fur seal
  • Antarctic minke whale
  • Antarctic toothfish
  • Aquatic tenrec
  • Arctic blenny
  • Arctic char
  • Arctic fox
  • Arctic hare
  • Arctic owl
  • Arctic tern
  • Asiatic lion
  • Asiatic black bear
  • Atlantic mackerel
  • Atlantic salmon
  • Domestic camel
  • Domestic cat
  • Domestic dog
  • Domestic sheep
  • Electric eel
  • Electric light bug
  • Electric ray
  • Fennec fox
  • Giant Pacific octopus
  • Lilac-breasted roller
  • Muntjac
  • Oceanic whitetip shark
  • Pacific boa
  • Pacific giant salamander
  • Pacific grenadier
  • Pacific hake
  • Pacific loon
  • Pacific slope flycatcher
  • Pacific squid
  • Pacific white-sided dolphin
  • Parasitic fly
  • Parasitic lice
  • Pubic lice
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Q: Which animals end with the letter C?
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