No US states have a capital with only 4 letters; they all have 5 letters or more.
Unless you have other letters you're not telling us about, a word using "these" letters is "sheet."
North Carolina and South Carolina have 13 letters in their name. Massachusetts has 13 letters in the name.
US Cities with 4 letters in their names: * Reno, Nevada * Bath, Maine * Erie, Pennsylvania * Lynn, Masssachusetts
* Chicago, IL * Carson City, NV * Chattanooga TN * Clearwater, FL * Columbia, NC * Champaign, IL * Charleston WV * Charlottesville, IL * Canton, Ohio * Cincinnati Ohio
Numbers don't start with letters..... New answer. Numbers do start with letters whovever asked this is S t u p i d they start with letters because letters tell us how to say the word
US firms are at the forefront of technological advances.
Carlton Fields is located in Tampa, FL and is rated as one of the top lawyer firms in the US! The firm of Fowler, White, Gillen, Boggs, Villareal and Banker also made the top 250 list and they are located in Tampa as well.
4 fl oz(US) = 118.294 ml4 fl oz(US) = 118.294 ml4 fl oz(US) = 118.294 ml4 fl oz(US) = 118.294 ml4 fl oz(US) = 118.294 ml4 fl oz(US) = 118.294 ml
15 mls = 0.51 fl oz (US).15 mls = 0.51 fl oz (US).15 mls = 0.51 fl oz (US).15 mls = 0.51 fl oz (US).
Miami, FL Akron, OH Tulsa, OK Boise, ID Tampa, FL Macon, GA Fargo, ND Paris, TX Dover, DE Chino, CA
No U.S. city starts with the letters Lesb.
* FL * Fla. or * US-FL
75 ml = 2.53605 fl oz(US)75 ml = 2.53605 fl oz(US)75 ml = 2.53605 fl oz(US)75 ml = 2.53605 fl oz(US)75 ml = 2.53605 fl oz(US)75 ml = 2.53605 fl oz(US)
As of 2007, there were approximately 6,049,600 US firms, of which roughly 6,500 are listed on major stock exchanges. So your answer is: "Over 6 million" or "more than 99% of US firms are privately held".
5 qt(US Liq) = 159.999 fl oz(US)5 qt(US Liq) = 159.999 fl oz(US)5 qt(US Liq) = 159.999 fl oz(US)5 qt(US Liq) = 159.999 fl oz(US)5 qt(US Liq) = 159.999 fl oz(US)5 qt(US Liq) = 159.999 fl oz(US)