Here are the Pokemon who evolve, while holding an item while leveling up or traded:
I don't believe so... It can evolve when holding an item if you trade it to someone else, it doesn't matter which game you trade it on.
Onyx and Scyther, my friend. You have to trade them holding the item
You can evolve an onix and a syther, both you have to trade and trade back holding the item
In any pokemon game its sort of like a gift to the other trainer. The better the item, the more respect to the other trainer. also, some pokemon only evolve if you trade it while holding a certain item. if you do the above, it's also an even greater gift to the other trainer since the moment they receive the pokemon, it will evolve :)
There is 2 ways to stop evolving: During the Pokemon's evolution keep pressing the B button to stop the evolution, also have the Pokemon hold the item everstone no matter what level the Pokemon is it will never evolve if it's holding that item and if it evolves during trade if it's holding the everstone it still will not evolve.
I don't believe so... It can evolve when holding an item if you trade it to someone else, it doesn't matter which game you trade it on.
Feebas. If you trade it whist holding the item it will evolve.
Dusclops is a ghost type of Pokemon. It will evolve when it is traded while holding a Reaper Cloth item.
You have to trade it while holding a proctector item.
You have to trade Magmar holding the item Magmarizer.
Seadra can never level up to evolve. You have to trade it when it is holding a Dragon Scale item. - Pokemon Guru
you have to trade it while it's holding a metal coat and then it eill evolve into steelix
Onyx and Scyther, my friend. You have to trade them holding the item
To evolve Porygon in Pokemon Platinum you need to trade it while it is holding the Up-Grade item. This will evolve Porygon into Porygon2. If Porygon2 is traded while holding a Dubious Disc it will evolve into Porygon-Z.
He doesnt evolve at a level u have to find the item protector and trade him while holding it.
You trade it to someone while it's holding an item called the Electrizer.