The Pokémon episodes that show Legendary Pokémon are the following:
Articuno appears in the Johto episodes of "Moving Pictures," "Spring Fever" and "Freeze Frame" and in the Kanto Battle Frontier episodes of "Numbero Uno Articuno" and "The Symbol Life."
Zapdos appears in "The Island of Giant Pokémon," "As Clear As Crystal" and "Doc Bock."
Moltres appears in "The Island of Gaint Pokémon," "All Fired Up" and in the "Pokémon Chronicles" episode titled "The Search For A Legend."
Mewtwo appears in "The Battle of the Badge," "It's Mr. Mimie Time" and "Showdown at the Poké Corral."
Mew appears in "Lean Mean Team Rocket Machine."
Raikou appears in "Howl of the Houndoom," "For Ho-Oh the Bells Toll" and in the Chronicles episode titled "Legend of Thunder."
Entei appears in "For Ho-Oh the Bells Toll," "Entei at your own risk" and "An Egg Scramble."
Suicune appears in "Don't Touch That 'Dile," "For Ho-Oh the Bells Toll" and "Drifloon in the Wind."
Lugia appears in "Around the Whirlpool," "Mantine Overboard," "Hi Ho Silver... Away," "The Mystery is History," "A Parent Trapped," "A Promise is a Promise" and "An Egg Scramble."
Ho-Oh appears in "Pokémon I Choose You," "For Ho-Oh the Bells Toll," "Gotta Catch Ya Later," "Battling the Enemy Within" and "Dawn of a New Era."
Celebi appears in "Green Guardian," "Lean Mean Team Rocket Machine," "An Egg Scramble" and in the Chronicles episode titled "Celebi and Joy."
Regirock appears in "Battling the Enemy Within," "Pace - The Final Frontier," "A Pyramiding Rage" and "Pillars of Friendship."
Regice appears in "Pace - The Final Frontier," "Pika and Goliath," "A Pyramiding Rage" and "Pillars of Friendship."
Registeel appears in "Overjoyed," "Pace - The Final Frontier," "A Pyramiding Rage" and "Pillars of Friendship."
Kyogre appears in "Unfair Weather Friends," "Gaining Groudon" and "The Scuffle of Legends."
Groudon appears in "The Spheal of Approval," "Unfair Weather Friends," "Gaining Groudon," "The Scuffle of Legends" and "Malice in Wonderland."
Rayquaza appears in "Malice in Wonderland" and "Where No Togepi Has Gone Before."
Deoxys appears in "Pokémon Ranger! Deoxys Crisis" and "Cheers on Castaways Isle."
Uxie appears in "The Secret Sphere of Influence," "Uncrushing Defeat" and in the translated Japanese episode titles that don't have announced dubbed titles "The Red Chain! Team Galactic Start," "Azelf, Uxie, Mesprit" and "Dialga and Palkia - The Final Battle!"
Mesprit appears in "Following a Maiden Voage," "Dawn of a New Area," "The Secret Sphere of Influence," "Pruning a Passel of Pals," "Fighting Fear With Fear," "Losing Its Lustrous," "Uncrushing Defeat" and the episode titles that don't have announced dubbed titles "The Red Chain - Team Galactic Start," "Azelf, Uxie, Mesprit" and "Dialga and Palkia - The Final Battle."
Azelf appears in "The Secret Sphere of Influence," "Pruning a Passel of Pals," "Losing Its Lustrous," "Uncrushing Defeat" and the titles that don't have revealed dubbed titles "The Red Chain, Team Galactic Start," "Azelf, Uxie, Mesprit" and "Dialga and Palkia - The Final Battle."
Dialga appears in "The Secret Sphere of Influence" and in the episode that only currently has a translated from Japanese title which is titled "Dialga and Palkia - The Final Battle."
Palkia appears in "All Dressed Up With Somewhere To Go," "The Secret Sphere of Influence" and in an episode that was translated from Japanese which is titled "Dialga and Palkia, The Final Battle."
Regigigas appears in "Pillars of Friendship."
Giratina appears in the episode that was translated from the Japanese version which was titled "Misdreavus, Murkrow and the Dusk Stone."
Cresselia appears in "Sleepless in Pre-Battle."
Darkrai appears in "Sleepless in Pre-Battle."
Shaymin appears in "Keeping in Top Forme."
Zekrom appears as a sillouhette in "In the Shadow of Zekrom!"
Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus were in "Stopping the Rage of Legends, Part 1" and "Stopping the Rage of Legends, Part 2."
i don't think absol is a legendary in the game but it is in the show
No Shaymin is not a legendary for several reasons, firstly it has appeared in many Pokemon movies/episodes with more than one of them. Secondly it is like Zoroark, Zorua, Phione and lucario these are all just rare pokemon!
It is a rare pokemon, but it is not a legendary pokemon
Unknown is not a legendary Pokemon but it is considered rare. Legendary Pokemon are one of a kinds.
Noivern is not a Legendary Pokemon.
i don't think absol is a legendary in the game but it is in the show
sibasour dewana x
No Shaymin is not a legendary for several reasons, firstly it has appeared in many Pokemon movies/episodes with more than one of them. Secondly it is like Zoroark, Zorua, Phione and lucario these are all just rare pokemon!
They never show up again unless your facing Victini.
you should watch every episode of Pokemon to find it.
Bcause they are best in all of Pokemon
It is a rare pokemon, but it is not a legendary pokemon
Unknown is not a legendary Pokemon but it is considered rare. Legendary Pokemon are one of a kinds.
It is very unlikely for Pokemon to not show reruns, for it's just to buy more time to create new episodes. Just be patient and the new episodes will come shortly.
no lileep is not a legendary pokemon but it is an ancient pokemon
The legendary is palkia
Noivern is not a Legendary Pokemon.