Absol, Altaria, Anorith, Armaldo, Beedrill, Breloom, Corphish, Crawdaunt, Cubone, Drapion, Farfetch'd, Fearow, Gallade, Garchomp, Gligar, Gliscor, Heracross, Kingler, Krabby, Kricketune, Marowak, Mawile, Mew, Nincada, Ninjask, Paras, Parasect, Pinsir, Sceptile, Scizor, Scyther, Seedot, Shedinja, Shiftry , Shroomish, Skorupi, Sneasel, Spearow, Swablu, Weavile, and Zangoose can learn False Swipe.
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false swipe is learned by the following Pokemon upon levelling:scythernincandazangoosefarfetch'dgalladegrovylecubonehowever, false swipe is also a TM. this makes the move available to other Pokemon as well (kriketune, weavile, parasect, kingler, anorith, etc).
absol and sceptile
Marowak and Scyther.
You can get it in the goldenrod department store. During the bug contest at the national park if you see a scyther catch it; it has false swipe, and cubones also learns it.
no in infernape can not learn false swipe
There are many Pokemon that can learn false swipe: Scyther, Marowak and many more.
false swipe is learned by the following Pokemon upon levelling:scythernincandazangoosefarfetch'dgalladegrovylecubonehowever, false swipe is also a TM. this makes the move available to other Pokemon as well (kriketune, weavile, parasect, kingler, anorith, etc).
absol and sceptile
Marowak and Scyther.
my balls
It can learn false swipe. It can learn false swipe.
You can get it in the goldenrod department store. During the bug contest at the national park if you see a scyther catch it; it has false swipe, and cubones also learns it.
Scyther, Marowak and Sneasel.
no in infernape can not learn false swipe
False Swipe was not available as a TM until Generation IV. However, Marowak and Sceptile can learn that move.
No, Rayquaza cannot learn False Swipe.
Yes he can many Pokemon cant but absol can