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In Poker, three of a kind is considered stronger than two pairs.

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Q: Which hand is considered stronger in poker: three of a kind or two pairs?
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Is it true that two pairs are better than having three of a kind in a game of poker?

Yes, in a game of poker, having two pairs is generally considered a stronger hand than having three of a kind.

Which hand is considered stronger in poker, three of a kind or two pair?

In poker, three of a kind is considered stronger than two pair.

Is having three of a kind in poker better than having two pairs?

Yes, having three of a kind in poker is better than having two pairs. Three of a kind is a stronger hand ranking than two pairs in poker.

Is it better to have two pair or three of a kind in a poker hand?

In poker, it is generally better to have three of a kind than two pairs in a hand. Three of a kind is a stronger hand and has a higher ranking than two pairs in most poker games.

Is 3 pair considered a hand in poker?

No, in poker, a hand consists of 5 cards. Three pairs do not make a valid hand in poker.

Which hand is considered stronger in poker: a full house or a full house with a higher ranking three of a kind?

In poker, a full house with a higher ranking three of a kind is considered stronger than a regular full house.

Do two pairs beat three of a kind in poker?

No, in poker, three of a kind beats two pairs.

Does a full house beat three pairs in poker?

No, in poker, a full house beats three pairs.

Does a three of a kind beat two pairs in poker?

Yes, in poker, a three of a kind beats two pairs.

Does three of a kind beat two pairs in poker?

Yes, in poker, three of a kind beats two pairs.

Can you have three pairs in a poker hand?

No, a poker hand can only have a maximum of two pairs.

Which hand is stronger in poker, a full house or three of a kind?

In poker, a full house is stronger than three of a kind.