go to blackthorn city go into a house with moves helpers/deleter now talk to the guy with a book then forget a move and remember when you use it you will have to rest
Empoleon is very sluggish. It's attack stat and other stats are decent. It might survive groung and fight type moves from most Pokemon. So a good move to teach it is ice beam. You can take down many dragon and flying type Pokemon with this. Hydro pump/ hydro canon can do a large amount of damage. Flash canon makes use of empoleon's good special attack. Earthquake takes down steel type Pokemon.
Empoleon Learns Hydro Pump At level 59/ 99Lloyd99
Empoleon learns hydro pump at level 59 trust me on this one
go to the old mans house on route 228 he will teach starter Pokemon powerful moves
hydro cannon
you have to have the move tutor teach it
Empoleon is very sluggish. It's attack stat and other stats are decent. It might survive groung and fight type moves from most Pokemon. So a good move to teach it is ice beam. You can take down many dragon and flying type Pokemon with this. Hydro pump/ hydro canon can do a large amount of damage. Flash canon makes use of empoleon's good special attack. Earthquake takes down steel type Pokemon.
Empoleon Learns Hydro Pump At level 59/ 99Lloyd99
Empoleon learns hydro pump at level 59 trust me on this one
Empoleon learn's it around the 70
go to the old mans house on route 228 he will teach starter Pokemon powerful moves
Hydro pump.
Yes he/she can
hydro cannon
if you have empoleon go to route 228 you will see a old man he teaches hydro cannon but your empoleon has to really trust you.
Empoleon learns metal claw, drill peck, aqua jet, hydro pump, i think icebeam, and hydro cannon. best movesare drill peck, hydro pump, and hydro cannon(hydro cannon makes you recharge though)
Pokemon learn moves at there time. Empoleon learns Hydro Pump at level 59 because it can!! Because every time you evolve3 a Pokemon its stats get better but the learning of a new move takes longer. So, for example, if you had stopped the evolution of prinplup to empoleon you could have learned hydro pump at lvl 51.