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You can find Baltoy in Pokémon Platinum by using the PokéRadar in Route 206.

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Q: Where to see a baltoy in Pokemon Platinum?
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How do you get a Claydol in Pokemon Pearl Diamond or Platinum?

You need to catch and evolve a Baltoy, or trade from another version. You can find Baltoy's on Route 206 using a PokéRadar.

What type of Pokemon is Baltoy?

Baltoy is a Ground and Psychic type pokemon.

Where to find baltoy in Pokemon platinum?

On Route 206, under the cycling road. Must find with the poke radar!!

What level does Baltoy evolve on in Pokemon?

Baltoy evolves at level 36.

What level does Baltoy evolve on in Pokemon emerald?

In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, Baltoy evolves into Claydol at Level 36.

When does baltoy evolve into claydol in Pokemon sapphire?

Baltoy > lvl 36 > Claydol

What level does baltoy evolve in Pokemon pearl?

Baltoy is a Ground/Psychic Pokemon with the ability to levitate and a 33.3% catch rate. Beginning at level 36, Baltoy can evolve into Claydol.

How do you catch a baltoy?

You can Catch them in on the route 206 in Pokemon diamond, pearl, and platinum but is quite rare to catch so you should use a pokeradar in the grass.

Where can you find a baltoy in Pokemon white?

Baltoy is unavailable in Pokemon Black & White. To obtain Baltoy, you would have to find one in the Dream World or trade with someone who has it on Black & White 2

Where is baltoy in Pokemon platinum?

In a desert north of the resort area. It would be between--- very common-common-uncommon-rare|very rare-extremly rare

Where do you get baltoy in Pokemon HeartGold?

Baltoy can be found on Route 3 if they are swarming there. To check what Pokemon is currently swarming, listen to Professor Oak's Pokemon Talk, he will say what Pokemon is swarming where.

How do you get manaphay in Pokemon Platinum?

on platinum, you see Manaphy in Mr.backlots Pokemon mansion