The dwarven mine (there is an entrance in Falidor) or you could try the wilderness. There is also coal near Lumbridge swamp (south of Lumbridge), and in the Barbarian Village center. The RuneScape manual probably lists further locations. dwarven mine dungeon
You do not mine steel ore. Steel ore does not even exist! You may have thought that because of a steel bar. Well, to get a steel bar, you have to use one iron ore and two coal ores.
go to wilderness lvl 9-10... there is 31 coal rocks and thts it but there are skeletons that attack by thmselves i think they are around level 20 so if you are lower u might not want to go there
You can't mine for fish, you fish for fish, and you mine for ores. You mine with a pickaxe you find an ore then mine it, and you fish for fish with fishing equipment.
In the Dungeoneering minigame. Where they spawn is random.
You need level 30 mining to mine Coal in Runescape.
To mine coal in RuneScape you need a pickaxe and the required level to mine it. Then all you have to do is equip or carry the pickaxe and click on the rock containing coal. If you do not know what a rock contains then right-click the rock and select to 'prospect' option. You will then be informed as to what is in the rock.
You get 50 mining experience for every coal you mine.
you have to mine it from many mining places around Glennindor
barb village
The dwarven mine (there is an entrance in Falidor) or you could try the wilderness. There is also coal near Lumbridge swamp (south of Lumbridge), and in the Barbarian Village center. The RuneScape manual probably lists further locations. dwarven mine dungeon
Barbarian Village because its close to Grand Exchange so you can sell it easily.
go to Falador, next to the party room you can go under the ground, that's the dwarven mine. there you can mine coal. also, in west of the lumbrigde swamp is a mining spot with coal. good luck
Training on coal at seers coal mine is probably the best way to get it faster.
Coal, coal is good money, and it is solid exp, what I would advise is get the level required to go into the Mining Guild, there aren't many people in there, but there is Coal ore EVERYWHERE -Robbie Man2
If you are a member, then you can go to seers village. By there is a coal mine. Pick that and go to seers village and go to the bank. If you are not a member, go to the dwarf mine under falador. Then pick the coal and out it in the falador bank or go towards the end of the mine and go use the varrock bank.
A coal mine is typically referred to as a coal mine.