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right outside of Varrok, there are cadava berries and redberries. if you go out of the east entrance/exit of Varrok, and then go south, you will come to a little minning spot, well, going west you will see bushes that you can pick the berries from. Hope I helped you, Gigglybeth :)

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Q: Where to get redberries?
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Runescape how many redberries need you for red dye?

2 redberries

Where can you find redberries in RuneScape?

You can locate some redberries between varrock and lumbridge, as you leave varrock there is a mine, and near there, there should be some bushes with redberries.

What plant was used for red dye?

3 Redberries

In RuneScape where do you get redberries for non-members?

Redberry bushes south of Varrock

Where are red berrries in runescape?

redberries can be picked by a mine southeast of varrock.

Where to bye cherry red rit dye?

Buy at G.E. or make it with redberries

How do you bake a red berry pie in rune scape?

To cook redberry pies, you need 10 cooking. And to get redberries and the stuff you need to make a pie, i recommend using the Grand Exchange. Firstly, get a pie dish, the pastry dough and the redberries. Use the pastry dough on the pie dish to get the pie shell. Use the redberries next on the pie shell to get a uncooked pie. Use the uncooked pie on a range, and you get your redberry pie.

Were do you go to get redberries on runescape?

Go to varrock and go to the black wizard and you will find it. Or buy them at the Grand Exchange.

How do you make redberry pie on RuneScape?

A good place to prepare it is near the windmill north of Lumbridge. You can prepare flour there, and Beefy Bill can supply you with pots, redberries, pie dishes and water.Use pastry dough and a pie dish first. Then use redberries on the dish. Last, cook it.

What plant yields red dye?

redberries, you can find the bushes just a bit east of the circle of wizards beneath varrok

How do you make purple dye?

mix red and blue dye Red dye- redberries blue dye- woad leaves

Where to find redberries on RuneScape?

the only nonmember place i know of is south-east of varock by the mining site at the wall add me ~ jupitertree