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To get HM FLY you need to be able to cut the bush on route 16, west of Celadon City. The Town Separation House has it :)

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Q: Where to get fly hm in Pokemon FireRed?
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No, beedrill can not learn fly. The only HM it can learn is fly.

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The short answer is no. There is no Dive, HM 08, in Pokemon FireRed.

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Their are 7 HM's available in Firered.

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Steel: Steel Wing Flying: HM Fly

What hm's can you get in Pokemon FireRed?

cut,fly,surf,streangh,flash,rocksmash and water fall

Where do you get HM 8 in Pokemon FireRed?

There Are Only 7 HM's In Pokemon Firered. Hm01- Cut Hm02- Fly Hm03- Surf Hm04- Strength Hm05- Flash Hm06- Rock Smash Hm07- Waterfall

How do you catch fly in Pokemon FireRed?

in a house, up above the cicling road. you'll need the hm cut to get there.

How do you catch HM 8 on Pokemon FireRed?

You cannot get it in Pokemon FireRed. It doesn't matter because it is not necessary in Pokemon FireRed.

When do you get fly Pokemon FireRed?

To get HM FLY you need to be able to cut the bush on route 16, west of Celadon City. The Town Separation House has it :)

How do you forget an HM move in Pokemon firered?

FLY to Fuchisa city and the house next to the pokecenter is the move deleter's house

How do you get to Pokemon tower in Pokemon FireRed?

Get to Lavender Town through Rock Tunnel (or Fly there, but the HM is impossible to get until you have already visited Lavender Town.)