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I don't think you can in diamond

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Q: Where to get a lightning stone?
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Can a horse struck by lightning turn to stone?

No, a horse struck by lightning would not turn to stone. Lightning can cause severe injuries to the horse, but it does not have the ability to petrify or turn a living creature into stone.

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What stone can Eevee evolve with?

fire, water, lightning,

How do you evolve Pikachu into Raichu?

You have to give it a lightning stone.

How do you get a lightning stone?

You can obtain it in a Poke ball that has an item in it in a cave

Where to get the lightning stone in Pokemon Yellow?

buy it in veilstone *facepalm*

Where is the lightning stone in Pokemon heartgold?

it's the thunder stone and at the pokeathon on wednesdays for 2000 or 2500 bp

Where do you find a lightning stone in Pokemon fire red?

you have to buy itat the point store in the pokethon thing for 2000 points i think

How do you get Paris in dinosaur king ds?

You must have unlocked the Stone Circle if you have then stand on Grass, Water, Water, Earth, Wind, Grass, Lightning, Lightning

Where do you get a lightning stone in Pokemon FireRed?

Celadon Dept. Store, check all the floors

How do you get thunder stone in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon?

They are found on the 29th floor in Lightning Field.

How do you get thunder stone in Blue rescue team?

They are found on floor 29 of lightning field.