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You type boolprop testingcheatsenabled true in the cheat code bar. Hit enter. Shift click on a sim and click give cell phone

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Q: Where to get a cell phone on Sims double deluxe?
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What are cell phones for on sims 2 double deluxe?

Cell phones arent used for anything. you need sims 2 university to use the cell phone

On Sims 2 Double Deluxe where is the phone?

Well, if you mean the main phone for your house and such it is where you can buy stuff. It is under technology. I believe to buy stuff you click on the second button that is around the person's face in the bottom-left corner. ANy questions? Oh, and also if you mean cell-phones, you can only get them if you have university.

If you have sims 2 PC can you buy a cellphone?

On the Sims 2 you can not buy a cell phone. However, you can buy a home phone and you can do most of the things a cell phone does. I hope this helped!

How can you hire a sim on the Sims 3?

To hire a sims such as a maid use the cell phone or a home phone. They are listed under services.

Where is Frankies cell phone in Sims 2?

Next to the fridge.

What non att cell phones can use a sims card?

A ton. Any gsm phone uses sims.

On the sims 3 how do you paint a picture that you have taken a photo of on your sims cell phone?

You can't. Although when your Sims painting skill gets higher you well get the option to paint a still frame, a portrait ect.. Works the same way as a cell phone pic. You can put the pics you take with your phone on your wall though.

How do you call services on sims 3 ambitions?

Click on your cell phone or the house phone and click 'Call Services'.

How do you get out your phone on Sims 3?

Go to your inventory, then click the cell phone icon on the side near the selling space. That gives you access to your cell. Also, you can click on your sim and click 'Cell Phone' to access your cell. Either way will work.

Where is Pepper Pete's cell phone on The Sims 2?

It is never da same xx

How do you call the adoption agency in sims 3 ambitions?

click on inventory then on your cell phone then services

Where do you get a cellphone on sims 3 ambitions?

All Sims automatically have a cellphone when you start out. You don't need to buy one. To access it, you can either click on your Sim and choose the option 'cell phone', or you can go into your inventory and click on the cell phone icon next to the selling space.