You could get it at crash site or type /join dwakel. Then do the Taravya's last quest.
If you are talking about rustbucket, enforcer, and partosartorium.....rustbucket-finish mithril man battery quest in crash siteenforcer-class drop from mithril man in crash sitepartosartoium-class drop from the partosartorium in crash site (member-class)no, rust bucket comes from the protosartorium parts quest
Dragon slayer Shaman Mage Rogue Warrior Healer Ninja Rustbucket Enforcer Barber No class
Go on the map, and under battleon area you will find a dwakel area. click on that and do the quests and wa-la! another person: type /join dwakel into the chat bar to get to the dwakel area another person the last quest gives you rustbucket, but you have to kill the protosartorium 5 times. to get enforcer, a better version of rustbucket (same abilities, better stats) kill the mithril man 20 times. beware: it makes you look realllllllllllly fat
goto sleuthhound and fight the monsters to level up fast
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1. Talk to Taravya the Rustbucket Trainer in the Crash Site. (/join dwakel) 2. Do the "Protosartorium Parts"quest. 3. You have to kill the mighty Protosartorium many times to get 5 of its parts. 4. Once you got all the parts, go back to Taravya and turn in the quest. 5. Then, you will get the Rustbucket class!
If you are talking about rustbucket, enforcer, and partosartorium.....rustbucket-finish mithril man battery quest in crash siteenforcer-class drop from mithril man in crash sitepartosartoium-class drop from the partosartorium in crash site (member-class)no, rust bucket comes from the protosartorium parts quest
enforcer is the best cuz if u r level 40 the attack is 400!!
Rustbucket doesn't have any like, charging abilities, so you're just going to stick with the normal damage, because it's actually an ok farming class, not solo or maybe pvp.
To get the Rustbucket (Class) In AQWorlds you have to goto the crashsite and to go there just type in the chat bar, /join dwakel and then it will teleport you there And then click on the ! symbol on top of the girl and goto Quests and accept the last quest then goto the area where the Barrier Bot is but don't go past him go on that wooden bridge then there is a monster called Protosaritorium (hes the one past the laser) and after quest complete turn it in and you have RUSTBUCKET! :)
Hybrid is Rustbucket's MAIN enhancement. Try luck so you can crit and gain more mana. Maybe 50/50 of each enhancement. Luck on your class and weapon/helm/cape, and Hybrid on your weapon/helm/cape. You decide on what seems the best for you.
Dragon slayer Shaman Mage Rogue Warrior Healer Ninja Rustbucket Enforcer Barber No class
in the crash site, talk to the girl and do the quests. As a reward for one of the quests, the girl gives you the class 'rustbucket'.
there is rustbucket and protosartorium classes which is the armour of a robot. if you want them go to /join dwakel you get the protosartorium by killing the protosartorium and rustbucket you just do the quests
Go to Crash Site and do the girls last quest and then u can get that armor. The crashsite are filled with alien people in space suits. The last quest is to kill the two bosses. Careful, they are hard.
Even if you reach rank 10, Rustbucket has limited functionality and is not as versatile as other classes like Ninja or Healer(to name two), which can restore mana and incur status effects upon your enemy. Rustbucket only does damage except for a single ability which lowers the amount of damage a player suffers.
Best for non members is either Rustbucket, (You can obtain it by completing the quests in Crash site < /join dwakel > ) or Warrior < /join trainers >. Mage is not a bad class and Healer is an important class too. Keep healer as a backup on team fights.