never dragon ball af is fan made but maybe you can watch the fan made af's on youtube
thair is none
Dragon Ball. Dragon Ball Z. Dragon Ball GT. There have been rumors about a fourth series called Dragon ball AF, but many have dismissed it as false as there is a lack of validity. Yes that is true but There is new one's (Not listed in order) So Dragon ball Dragon ball Z Dragon ball GT Dragon ball AF Dragon ball Absalon And i think i don't know but possibly Dragon ball yoshi? i actually don't know That may be a series Dragon ball, Af, Absalon, And yoshi (I don't know if this is one) Have not been aired but is still a work in Progress Ok thats all cya guys :D
Dragon Ball af is a Mixed Dragon ball z Mixed Dragon Ball Gt.But Dragon Ball Af never was true any way
dragon ball af does not exist
I don't think there is a dragon ball AF
Dragon ball AF does not exist. It is fan made.
dragon ball af and xicor isn't real
no because 1. dragon ball AF doesn't exist. AF stands for "April Fools." 2. dragon ball Kai is DBZ with a different interpretation.
hmmm im not sure whether dragon ball and dragon ball AF are the same thing but if they are then yup
AF is a made up dragon ball MAN
never dragon ball af is fan made but maybe you can watch the fan made af's on youtube
never dragon ball af is a fake fans made it up
dragon ball af is not real they said this show will release in April 1st but it is not af stands for April fool
dragon ball AF